Class Domain

    • Constructor Detail

      • Domain

        public Domain()
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public String getId()
        Description copied from interface: AuthDomain
        Gets the unique identifier of the domain in Silverpeas. By convention, a default domain is defined for the users specifically created in Silverpeas itself: this domain has for identifier 0.
        Specified by:
        getId in interface AuthDomain
        the unique identifier of the domain in Silverpeas.
      • setId

        public void setId​(String id)
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Description copied from interface: AuthDomain
        Gets the name of this authentication domain.
        Specified by:
        getName in interface AuthDomain
        its name.
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String description)
      • getDriverClassName

        public String getDriverClassName()
        Gets the full class name of the domain driver that manages this domain.
        the full path of the driver class.
      • setDriverClassName

        public void setDriverClassName​(String className)
        Sets the full class name of the domain driver that manages this domain.
        className - the full path of the driver class.
      • getPropFileName

        public String getPropFileName()
        Gets the full name of the properties file that defines this domain.
        the full path of the properties file defining this domain.
      • setPropFileName

        public void setPropFileName​(String propFileName)
        Sets the full name of the properties file that defines this domain.
        propFileName - the full path of the properties file defining this domain.
      • getAuthenticationServer

        public String getAuthenticationServer()
        Gets the name of the authentication server used by this authentication domain.
        the unique name of an authentication server.
      • setAuthenticationServer

        public void setAuthenticationServer​(String authenticationServer)
        Sets the name of the authentication server that will perform the authentication process for this authentication domain.
        authenticationServer - the class to be used.
      • getSilverpeasServerURL

        public String getSilverpeasServerURL()
      • setSilverpeasServerURL

        public void setSilverpeasServerURL​(String silverpeasServerURL)
      • getUserDomainQuota

        public Quota getUserDomainQuota()
        the userDomainQuota
      • setUserDomainQuotaMaxCount

        public void setUserDomainQuotaMaxCount​(String userDomainQuotaMaxCount)
                                        throws QuotaException
        Sets the max count of users allowed for this domain.
        userDomainQuotaMaxCount - the quota about the maximum users allowed in this domain.
        QuotaException - if an error occurs while setting the quota.
      • isQuotaReached

        public boolean isQuotaReached()
      • isMixedOne

        public boolean isMixedOne()
      • getSettings

        public org.silverpeas.kernel.bundle.SettingBundle getSettings()
      • getProperty

        public boolean getProperty​(String name,
                                   boolean defaultValue)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object