Package org.silverpeas.core.calendar.ical4j
Class Summary Class Description HtmlProperty HtmlProperty.HtmlPropertyFactory ICal4JCalendarEventOccurrenceGenerator An implementation of theCalendarEventOccurrenceGenerator
by using the iCal4J library.ICal4JDateCodec A decoder/encoder of iCal4J dates with Silverpeas dates.ICal4JExporter Implementation of theICalendarExporter
interface by using the iCal4J library to perform the serialization of the events of a calendar in text in the iCalendar format.ICal4JImporter Implementation of theICalendarImporter
interface by using the iCal4J library to perform the deserialization of calendar events in the iCalendar format.ICal4JRecurrenceCodec A codec to encode/decode iCal4J recurrence with Silverpeas event recurrence.