Uses of Class
Uses of FormException in
Methods in that throw FormException Modifier and Type Method Description void
CompleteContact. removeForm()
CompleteContact. saveForm()
Uses of FormException in org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form
Subclasses of FormException in org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form Modifier and Type Class Description class
Thrown when a fatal error occured in a form component.Methods in org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form that throw FormException Modifier and Type Method Description void
RecordSet. clone(String originalExternalId, String originalComponentId, String cloneExternalId, String cloneComponentId, Map<String,String> attachmentIds)
Clones the given DataRecord.void
RecordSet. copy(ResourceReference fromPK, ResourceReference toPK, RecordTemplate toRecordTemplate, Map<String,String> oldAndNewFileIds)
RecordSet. delete(String objectId)
Deletes all form data for the given objectId in all languagesvoid
RecordSet. delete(String objectId, String language)
Deletes form data for the given objectId in the given language onlyvoid
FieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, T field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pagesContext)
Prints the HTML value of the field.void
Form. display(javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out, PagesContext pagesContext)
Form. display(javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out, PagesContext pagesContext, DataRecord record)
Prints the HTML layout of the dataRecord using the RecordTemplate to extract labels and extra informations.<T extends Field>
FieldDisplayer<T>TypeManager. getDisplayer(String typeName, String displayerName)
Returns the named FieldDisplayer of the named field.String
TypeManager. getDisplayerName(String typeName)
Returns the name of the default FieldDisplayer of the named type.String[]
TypeManager. getDisplayerNames(String typeName)
Returns the names of all the FieldDisplayers which can be used with the named type.Field
FieldTemplate. getEmptyField()
Returns an empty Field built on this template.Field
FieldTemplate. getEmptyField(int occurrence)
RecordSet. getEmptyRecord()
Returns an empty DataRecord built on the RecordTemplate.DataRecord
RecordTemplate. getEmptyRecord()
Gets an empty DataRecord built on this template.Field
DataRecord. getField(int fieldIndex)
Gets the field at the index position in this data record.Field
DataRecord. getField(String fieldName)
Gets the specified named field.Class<? extends Field>
TypeManager. getFieldImplementation(String typeName)
Returns the class field implementation of the named
RecordTemplate. getFieldIndex(String fieldName)
Gets the index in this template of of the named field.FieldTemplate
RecordTemplate. getFieldTemplate(String fieldName)
Gets theFieldTemplate
modelling the specified named field.FieldTemplate[]
RecordTemplate. getFieldTemplates()
Gets all the fields defined by this template.DataRecord
RecordSet. getRecord(String id)
Returns the DataRecord with the given id.DataRecord
RecordSet. getRecord(String recordId, String language)
RecordSet. getRecords(String fieldName, String fieldValue)
RecordSet. indexRecord(String recordId, String formName, FullIndexEntry indexEntry)
Index the given DataRecord into the indexEntry. formName looks like allFields (ie template filename allFields.xml without extension)void
RecordSet. merge(String fromExternalId, String fromComponentId, String toExternalId, String toComponentId, Map<String,String> attachmentIds)
RecordSet. move(ResourceReference fromPK, ResourceReference toPK, RecordTemplate toRecordTemplate)
RecordSet. save(DataRecord record)
Save the given DataRecord.void
TypeManager. setDisplayer(String displayerClassName, String typeName, String displayerName, boolean defaultDisplayer)
Set the FieldDisplayer class for typeName, displayerNamevoid
TypeManager. setFieldImplementation(String fieldClassName, String typeName)
Set the implementation class for typeName.void
Field. setNull()
Sets to null this field.void
Field. setObjectValue(Object value)
Sets the specified value.void
Field. setStringValue(String value)
Sets the specifiedString
normalized value.void
Field. setValue(String value)
Sets the specified normalized value.void
Field. setValue(String value, String lang)
Sets the specified textual value in the given language.List<String>
FieldDisplayer. update(String value, T field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pagesContext)
Updates the value of the field.List<String>
FieldDisplayer. update(List<org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem> items, T field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pagesContext)
Updates the value of the field.List<String>
Form. update(List<org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem> items, DataRecord record, PagesContext pagesContext)
Updates the values of the dataRecord using the RecordTemplate to extra control information (readOnly or mandatory status).List<String>
Form. update(List<org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem> items, DataRecord record, PagesContext pagesContext, boolean updateWysiwyg)
Updates the values of the dataRecord using the RecordTemplate to extra control information (readOnly or mandatory status).static void
DataRecordUtil. updateFields(String[] fieldNames, DataRecord updatedRecord, DataRecord copiedRecord, String language)
Updates the specified fields.List<String>
Form. updateWysiwyg(List<org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem> items, DataRecord record, PagesContext pagesContext)
Updates the values of the dataRecord using the RecordTemplate to extra control information (readOnly or mandatory status).Constructors in org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form that throw FormException Constructor Description AbstractForm(RecordTemplate template)
Creates a new form from the specified template of records. -
Uses of FormException in org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.displayers
Methods in org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.displayers that throw FormException Modifier and Type Method Description void
AccessPathFieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, AccessPathField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext PagesContext)
Prints the HTML value of the field.void
CheckBoxDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, TextField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
Prints the HTML value of the field.void
DateFieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, DateField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pagesContext)
Prints the HTML value of the field.void
EmailFieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, TextField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
Prints the HTML value of the field.void
ExplorerFieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, ExplorerField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
Prints the HTML value of the field.void
GroupFieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, GroupField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
Prints the HTML value of the field.void
ImageFieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, FileField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
Prints the HTML value of the field.void
JdbcFieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, JdbcField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pagesContext)
Prints the HTML value of the field.void
LdapFieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, LdapField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pagesContext)
Prints the HTML value of the field.void
ListBoxFieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, TextField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
Prints the HTML value of the field.void
MapFieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, TextField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
Prints the HTML value of the field.void
MultipleUserFieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, MultipleUserField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
Prints the HTML value of the field.void
PdcUserFieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, PdcUserField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext PagesContext)
Prints the HTML value of the field.void
PublicationsPickerFieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, PublicationsPickerField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
Prints the HTML value of the field.void
RadioButtonDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, TextField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
Prints the HTML value of the field.void
SequenceFieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, SequenceField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pagesContext)
Prints the HTML value of the field.void
TextAreaFieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, TextField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
Prints the HTML value of the field.void
TextDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, Field field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pagesContext)
Prints the HTML value of the field.void
TextFieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, TextField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
Prints the HTML value of the field.void
TimeFieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, TextField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
Prints the HTML value of the field.void
UniqueIdFieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, TextField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
UrlFieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, TextField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
Prints the HTML value of the field.void
UserFieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, UserField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
Prints the HTML value of the field.void
VideoFieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, FileField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pagesContext)
WysiwygFCKFieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, TextField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
Prints the HTML value of the field.void
WysiwygFCKFieldDisplayer. duplicateContent(Field field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext, String newObjectId)
AbstractFieldDisplayer. update(List<org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem> items, T field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
AbstractFileFieldDisplayer. update(String attachmentId, FileField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pagesContext)
AbstractFileFieldDisplayer. update(List<org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem> items, FileField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
AbstractTextFieldDisplayer. update(String newValue, TextField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pagesContext)
AccessPathFieldDisplayer. update(String newValue, AccessPathField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext PagesContext)
Updates the value of the field.List<String>
CheckBoxDisplayer. update(String valuesToInsert, TextField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext PagesContext)
CheckBoxDisplayer. update(List<org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem> items, TextField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
DateFieldDisplayer. update(String newValue, DateField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pagesContext)
Updates the value of the field.List<String>
ExplorerFieldDisplayer. update(String newId, ExplorerField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
ExplorerFieldDisplayer. update(List<org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem> items, ExplorerField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
GroupFieldDisplayer. update(String newId, GroupField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pagesContext)
GroupFieldDisplayer. update(List<org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem> items, GroupField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
JdbcFieldDisplayer. update(String newValue, JdbcField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pagesContext)
Updates the value of the field.List<String>
LdapFieldDisplayer. update(String newValue, LdapField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pagesContext)
Updates the value of the field.List<String>
ListBoxFieldDisplayer. update(String newValue, TextField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext PagesContext)
MultipleUserFieldDisplayer. update(String newIds, MultipleUserField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pagesContext)
Updates the value of the field.List<String>
MultipleUserFieldDisplayer. update(List<org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem> items, MultipleUserField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
PdcUserFieldDisplayer. update(String newId, PdcUserField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pagesContext)
Updates the value of the field.List<String>
PublicationsPickerFieldDisplayer. update(String newIds, PublicationsPickerField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
PublicationsPickerFieldDisplayer. update(List<org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem> items, PublicationsPickerField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
RadioButtonDisplayer. update(String newValue, TextField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext PagesContext)
Updates the value of the field.List<String>
SequenceFieldDisplayer. update(String value, SequenceField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pagesContext)
Updates the value of the field.List<String>
TextDisplayer. update(String newValue, Field field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext PagesContext)
Updates the value of the field.List<String>
TimeFieldDisplayer. update(String newValue, TextField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pagesContext)
UniqueIdFieldDisplayer. update(String newValue, TextField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pagesContext)
UserFieldDisplayer. update(String newId, UserField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
WysiwygFCKFieldDisplayer. update(String newValue, TextField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
Updates the value of the field. -
Uses of FormException in org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.dummy
Methods in org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.dummy that throw FormException Modifier and Type Method Description void
DummyRecordSet. clone(String originalExternalId, String originalComponentId, String cloneExternalId, String cloneComponentId, Map<String,String> attachmentIds)
DummyRecordSet. copy(ResourceReference fromPK, ResourceReference toPK, RecordTemplate toRecordTemplate, Map<String,String> attachmentIds)
DummyRecordSet. delete(String objectId)
DummyRecordSet. delete(String objectId, String language)
DummyFieldTemplate. getEmptyField(int occurrence)
DummyRecordSet. getEmptyRecord()
Returns an empty DataRecord built on the RecordTemplate.DataRecord
DummyRecordTemplate. getEmptyRecord()
DummyRecordTemplate. getFieldIndex(String fieldName)
DummyRecordTemplate. getFieldTemplate(String fieldName)
DummyRecordSet. getRecord(String recordId)
This dummy record set always return a dummy record.DataRecord
DummyRecordSet. getRecord(String recordId, String language)
DummyRecordSet. indexRecord(String recordId, String formName, FullIndexEntry indexEntry)
DummyRecordSet. merge(String fromExternalId, String fromComponentId, String toExternalId, String toComponentId, Map<String,String> attachmentIds)
DummyRecordSet. move(ResourceReference fromPK, ResourceReference toPK, RecordTemplate toRecordTemplate)
DummyRecordSet. save(DataRecord record)
Constructors in org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.dummy that throw FormException Constructor Description DummyRecordSet(RecordTemplate template)
DummyRecordTemplate(RecordTemplate template)
Constructs aDummyRecordTemplate
from the specified otherRecordTemplate
. -
Uses of FormException in org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.field
Methods in org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.field that throw FormException Modifier and Type Method Description void
LdapField. bindLdap(com.novell.ldap.LDAPConnection ldapConnection, String version, String distinguishedName, byte[] password)
JdbcField. connect(String dataSourceName, String login, String password)
Connects to the specified data source by using the specified
LdapField. connectLdap(String host, String port)
LdapField. disconnectLdap(com.novell.ldap.LDAPConnection connection)
LdapField. searchLdap(com.novell.ldap.LDAPConnection ldapConnection, String baseDn, String scope, String filter, String attribute, boolean typesOnly, String currentUserId)
JdbcField. selectSql(Connection connection, String query, String currentUserId)
LdapField. setConstraintLdap(com.novell.ldap.LDAPConnection ldapConnection, String maxResultDisplayed)
DateField. setNull()
ExplorerField. setNull()
GroupField. setNull()
MultipleUserField. setNull()
Set to null this field.void
PdcUserField. setNull()
Set to null this field.void
PublicationsPickerField. setNull()
Set to null this field.void
TextField. setNull()
Set to null this field.void
UserField. setNull()
Set to null this field.void
DateField. setObjectValue(Object value)
Set this field value.void
ExplorerField. setObjectValue(Object value)
Set node referenced by this field.void
GroupField. setObjectValue(Object value)
Set user referenced by this field.void
MultipleUserField. setObjectValue(Object value)
Set user referenced by this field.void
PdcUserField. setObjectValue(Object value)
Set userCardIds referenced by this field.void
PublicationsPickerField. setObjectValue(Object value)
Set node referenced by this field.void
TextField. setObjectValue(Object value)
Set this field value.void
UserField. setObjectValue(Object value)
Set user referenced by this field.void
DateField. setValue(String value)
DateField. setValue(String value, String language)
ExplorerField. setValue(String value)
Does nothing since a user reference can't be computed from a user name.void
ExplorerField. setValue(String value, String language)
Does nothing since a user reference can't be computed from a user name.void
GroupField. setValue(String value)
Does nothing since a group reference can't be computed from a group name.void
GroupField. setValue(String value, String language)
Does nothing since a group reference can't be computed from a group name.void
PdcUserField. setValue(String value)
Does nothing since a user reference can't be computed from a user name.void
PdcUserField. setValue(String value, String language)
Does nothing since a user reference can't be computed from a user name.void
PublicationsPickerField. setValue(String value)
PublicationsPickerField. setValue(String value, String language)
TextField. setValue(String value)
Set this field value from a local string value.void
TextField. setValue(String value, String language)
Set this field value from a local string value.void
UserField. setValue(String value)
Does nothing since a user reference can't be computed from a user name.void
UserField. setValue(String value, String language)
Does nothing since a user reference can't be computed from a user name. -
Uses of FormException in org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.filter
Methods in org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.filter that throw FormException Modifier and Type Method Description Form
FilterManager. getCriteriaForm()
Returns a Form which can be used to select criteria values.RecordTemplate
FilterManager. getCriteriaTemplate()
Returns a RecordTemplate which can be used to select criteria values.DataRecord
FilterManager. getEmptyCriteriaRecord()
Returns an empty criteria record.RecordFilter
FilterManager. getRecordFilter(DataRecord criteriaRecord)
Gets a RecordFilter from the criteria record (which must be built with the criteriaRecord)boolean
FieldFilter. match(Field testedField)
Returns true if the given field match this Filter criteria.boolean
RecordFilter. match(DataRecord testedRecord)
Returns true if the given record match this Filter criteria.boolean
SimpleRecordFilter. match(DataRecord testedRecord)
Returns true if the fields of the specified record match all the field filter of this Filter. -
Uses of FormException in org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.form
Constructors in org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.form that throw FormException Constructor Description HtmlForm(RecordTemplate template)
Creates a new HTML form from the specified template of records.XmlForm(RecordTemplate template)
XmlForm(RecordTemplate template, boolean viewForm)
XmlSearchForm(RecordTemplate template)
Uses of FormException in org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.record
Methods in org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.record that throw FormException Modifier and Type Method Description void
GenericRecordSet. clone(String originalExternalId, String originalComponentId, String cloneExternalId, String cloneComponentId, Map<String,String> attachmentIds)
GenericRecordSet. copy(ResourceReference fromPK, ResourceReference toPK, RecordTemplate toRecordTemplate, Map<String,String> oldAndNewFileIds)
GenericRecordSetManager. createRecordSet(String externalId, RecordTemplate template)
Build and return a new record set.GenericRecordSet
GenericRecordSetManager. createRecordSet(String externalId, RecordTemplate template, String templateName, boolean encrypted)
GenericRecordSet. delete(String objectId)
Deletes all form data for the given objectId in all languagesvoid
GenericRecordSet. delete(String objectId, String language)
Deletes form data for the given objectId in the given language onlyvoid
GenericRecordSetManager. deleteRecord(DataRecord deletedRecord)
Delete the DataRecord registered by the pair (templateId, recordId).Set<String>
GenericRecordSetManager. getAllComponentIdsOfRecords()
protected List<RecordRow>
GenericRecordSetManager. getAllRecordsOfTemplate(String templateName)
GenericFieldTemplate. getEmptyField()
Returns an empty Field built on this template.Field
GenericFieldTemplate. getEmptyField(int occurrence)
GenericRecordSet. getEmptyRecord()
Returns an empty DataRecord built on the RecordTemplate.DataRecord
GenericRecordTemplate. getEmptyRecord()
IdentifiedRecordTemplate. getEmptyRecord()
GenericRecordSetManager. getExternalIdOfComponentInstanceId(String componentInstanceId)
GenericDataRecord. getField(int fieldIndex)
GenericDataRecord. getField(String fieldName)
GenericRecordTemplate. getFieldIndex(String fieldName)
IdentifiedRecordTemplate. getFieldIndex(String fieldName)
GenericRecordTemplate. getFieldTemplate(String fieldName)
IdentifiedRecordTemplate. getFieldTemplate(String fieldName)
IdentifiedRecordTemplate. getFieldTemplates()
GenericRecordSetManager. getLanguagesOfRecord(IdentifiedRecordTemplate template, String externalId)
GenericRecordSetManager. getNumberOfRecordsByTemplateAndComponents(String templateName)
GenericRecordSetManager. getRawValue(String templateExternalId, String recordExternalId, String fieldName)
Get value of a field record directly from database.DataRecord
GenericRecordSet. getRecord(String objectId)
Returns the DataRecord with the given id.DataRecord
GenericRecordSet. getRecord(String objectId, String language)
Returns the DataRecord with the given id.DataRecord
GenericRecordSetManager. getRecord(IdentifiedRecordTemplate template, String objectId)
Return the DataRecord registered by the pair (templateId, recordId).DataRecord
GenericRecordSetManager. getRecord(IdentifiedRecordTemplate template, String objectId, String language)
Return the DataRecord registered by the tuple (templateId, objectId, language).List<DataRecord>
GenericRecordSet. getRecords(String fieldName, String fieldValue)
GenericRecordSetManager. getRecords(IdentifiedRecordTemplate template, String fieldName, String fieldValue)
GenericRecordSetManager. getRecordSet(String externalId)
Return the record set known be its external id.void
GenericRecordSet. indexRecord(String recordId, String formName, FullIndexEntry indexEntry)
GenericRecordSetManager. insertRecord(IdentifiedRecordTemplate template, DataRecord insertedRecord)
Register the DataRecord with the pair (templateId, recordId).void
GenericRecordSet. merge(String fromExternalId, String fromComponentId, String toExternalId, String toComponentId, Map<String,String> attachmentIds)
GenericRecordSet. move(ResourceReference fromPK, ResourceReference toPK, RecordTemplate toRecordTemplate)
GenericRecordSetManager. moveRecord(int recordId, IdentifiedRecordTemplate templateTo)
GenericRecordSetManager. removeRecordSet(String externalId)
Remove the record set known by its external id.void
GenericRecordSet. save(DataRecord record)
Save the given DataRecord.void
GenericFieldTemplate. setTypeName(String typeName)
set the type name of the described field.void
GenericRecordSetManager. updateRecord(IdentifiedRecordTemplate template, DataRecord updatedRecord)
Save the DataRecord registered by the pair (templateId, recordId).Constructors in org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.record that throw FormException Constructor Description GenericDataRecord(RecordTemplate template)
A GenericDataRecord is built from aRecordTemplate
instance.GenericFieldTemplate(String fieldName, Class<? extends Field> fieldImpl)
Builds a GenericFieldTemplate from a field name and a field implementation.GenericFieldTemplate(String fieldName, String typeName)
Builds a GenericFieldTemplate from a field name and a field type name. -
Uses of FormException in org.silverpeas.core.contribution.template.publication
Methods in org.silverpeas.core.contribution.template.publication that throw FormException Modifier and Type Method Description Map<String,Integer>
PublicationTemplateManager. getNumberOfRecordsByTemplateAndComponents(String templateName)
Uses of FormException in org.silverpeas.core.importexport.form
Methods in org.silverpeas.core.importexport.form that throw FormException Modifier and Type Method Description void
FormTemplateImportExport. importXMLModelContentType(ResourceReference pk, String objectType, XMLModelContentType xmlModel, String userId)
Uses of FormException in org.silverpeas.core.pdc.form.displayers
Methods in org.silverpeas.core.pdc.form.displayers that throw FormException Modifier and Type Method Description void
PdcFieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, PdcField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pagesContext)
PdcPositionsFieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, TextField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext context)
Prints the HTML value of the field.List<String>
PdcFieldDisplayer. update(String value, PdcField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pagesContext)
PdcPositionsFieldDisplayer. update(String values, TextField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext PagesContext)
PdcPositionsFieldDisplayer. update(List<org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem> items, TextField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
Uses of FormException in org.silverpeas.core.pdc.form.fieldtype
Methods in org.silverpeas.core.pdc.form.fieldtype that throw FormException Modifier and Type Method Description void
PdcField. setObjectValue(Object value)
PdcField. setValue(String value)
PdcField. setValue(String value, String lang)
Uses of FormException in org.silverpeas.core.viewer.form.displayers
Methods in org.silverpeas.core.viewer.form.displayers that throw FormException Modifier and Type Method Description void
FileFieldDisplayer. display(PrintWriter out, FileField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext)
Prints the HTML value of the field. -
Uses of FormException in org.silverpeas.core.webapi.contribution
Methods in org.silverpeas.core.webapi.contribution that throw FormException Modifier and Type Method Description protected FormFieldValueEntity
AbstractContributionResource. getFormFieldValue(FieldTemplate fieldTemplate, DataRecord data, String lang)
Gets the value of a field.protected List<FormFieldValueEntity>
AbstractContributionResource. getFormFieldValues(FieldTemplate fieldTemplate, DataRecord data, String lang)
Uses of FormException in org.silverpeas.core.workflow.engine.datarecord
Methods in org.silverpeas.core.workflow.engine.datarecord that throw FormException Modifier and Type Method Description Field
ProcessInstanceFieldTemplate. getEmptyField()
Throws an illegal call exception, since an empty field can't be built from this template.Field
ProcessInstanceFieldTemplate. getEmptyField(int occurrence)
ProcessInstanceRecordTemplate. getEmptyRecord()
ProcessInstanceRowTemplate. getEmptyRecord()
AbstractProcessInstanceDataRecord. getField(int fieldIndex)
AbstractProcessInstanceDataRecord. getField(String fieldName)
ItemTemplate. getField(ProcessInstance instance)
Returns a field built from this template and filled from the given process instance.Field
LazyProcessInstanceDataRecord. getField(String fieldName)
ProcessInstanceDataRecord. getField(String fieldName)
Returns the named field.abstract Field
ProcessInstanceFieldTemplate. getField(ProcessInstance instance)
Returns a field built from this template and filled from the given process instance.Field
ProcessInstanceRowRecord. getField(String fieldName)
Returns the named field.Field
UserInfoTemplate. getField(ProcessInstance instance)
Returns a field built from this template and filled from the given process
ProcessInstanceRecordTemplate. getFieldIndex(String fieldName)
ProcessInstanceRowTemplate. getFieldIndex(String fieldName)
ProcessInstanceRecordTemplate. getFieldTemplate(int fieldIndex)
ProcessInstanceRecordTemplate. getFieldTemplate(String fieldName)
ProcessInstanceRowTemplate. getFieldTemplate(int fieldIndex)
ProcessInstanceRowTemplate. getFieldTemplate(String fieldName)
abstract FieldTemplate
ProcessInstanceTemplate. getFieldTemplate(int fieldIndex)
ProcessInstanceTemplate. getFieldTemplates()
Uses of FormException in
Methods in that throw FormException Modifier and Type Method Description ExportCSVBuilder
DirectorySessionController. export()
Uses of FormException in org.silverpeas.web.jobdomain.control
Methods in org.silverpeas.web.jobdomain.control that throw FormException Modifier and Type Method Description Map<String,String>
JobDomainPeasSessionController. getFieldLabelsOfCSVToImport()
Uses of FormException in org.silverpeas.web.pdc.control
Methods in org.silverpeas.web.pdc.control that throw FormException Modifier and Type Method Description void
PdcSearchSessionController. initXMLSearch(HttpRequest request)
Uses of FormException in org.silverpeas.web.templatedesigner.control
Methods in org.silverpeas.web.templatedesigner.control that throw FormException Modifier and Type Method Description Map<String,Integer>
TemplateDesignerSessionController. getNumberOfRecordsByTemplateAndComponents()
Uses of FormException in org.silverpeas.web.templatedesigner.servlets
Methods in org.silverpeas.web.templatedesigner.servlets that throw FormException Modifier and Type Method Description static GenericFieldTemplate
TemplateDesignerRequestRouter. request2Field(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)