Class DragAndDropEditorContent

  • public class DragAndDropEditorContent
    extends Object
    Permits to centralization some content manipulation with Drag and Drop editor.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DragAndDropEditorContent

        public DragAndDropEditorContent​(String content)
    • Method Detail

      • getSimpleContent

        public Optional<String> getSimpleContent()
        Gets optional simple content.

        Will be filled if the editor is initialized with a non JSON structure.

        an option simple HTML content.
      • setTemporaryInlinedHtml

        public void setTemporaryInlinedHtml​(String html)
        Sets a temporary inlined HTML content.

        A temporary inlined HTML content is taken into account by the functionality that detect a potential loss od modified data.

        html - an inlined HTML as string.
      • getInlinedHtml

        public String getInlinedHtml()
        Gets the inlined HTML of the current content.

        The inlined HTML content is the HTML which HTML and CSS have been performed in order to have hte style computed on each HTML element.

        an inlined HTML content.
      • getEncodedJson

        public String getEncodedJson()
        Gets the JSON content handled by Drag and Drop Editor.
        a string representing a JSON structure.
      • getInitialRawContent

        public String getInitialRawContent()
        Gets the content from which this instance has been initialized.
        string representing the initialized content.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object