Class SupportedWebPlugin.Constants

    • Field Detail


        public static final SupportedWebPlugin MINIMALSILVERPEAS
        Minimal needed by all Silverpeas Javascript environment.

        public static final SupportedWebPlugin POLYFILLS
        Polyfills needed by all Silverpeas Javascript environment.

        public static final SupportedWebPlugin ADMIN_SPACE_HOMEPAGE
        Silverpeas admin space homepage management plugin.

        public static final SupportedWebPlugin ADMINSERVICES
        Silverpeas admin services (AdminSpaceService and AdminComponentInstanceService).

        public static final SupportedWebPlugin SPACE_AND_COMPONENT_BROWSER
        Silverpeas plugin to browse spaces and components.

        public static final SupportedWebPlugin SPACE_AND_COMPONENT_SELECTOR
        Silverpeas plugin to select spaces and components.

        public static final SupportedWebPlugin MEDIAPLAYER
        Silverpeas plugin to play videos and sounds.

        public static final SupportedWebPlugin EMBEDPLAYER
        Silverpeas media player (video and musics).

        public static final SupportedWebPlugin DATEPICKER
        JQuery plugin to pick up a date in a calendar.

        public static final SupportedWebPlugin PAGINATION
        JQuery plugin to paginate data.

        public static final SupportedWebPlugin BREADCRUMB
        Silverpeas plugin to print out and manage a breadcrumb.
      • PROFILE

        public static final SupportedWebPlugin PROFILE
        Silverpeas plugin to provide user and group profile informations.
      • USERZOOM

        public static final SupportedWebPlugin USERZOOM
        Silverpeas plugin to print out a popup with information about a given user and with some social functions (invitation, messaging,...). The HTML element on which the plugin is invoked must present the rel attribute valued with the user identifier.

        public static final SupportedWebPlugin RELATIONSHIP
        Silverpeas plugin to manage relationship (invitation, acceptation, cancellation, deletion). The HTML element on which the plugin is invoked must present the rel attribute valued with the user or invitation identifier and optionally the user full name of a callback function's name(comma separated).
      • CALENDAR

        public static final SupportedWebPlugin CALENDAR
        Silverpeas plugin to render a calendar with events. This plugin is based upon a JQuery one and abstracts the way it is used. Its provides also additional features to the used JQuery plugin calendar.

        public static final SupportedWebPlugin AUTORESIZE
        Silverpeas plugin to handle DOM element autoresize.

        public static final SupportedWebPlugin ATTACHMENT
        Silverpeas plugin to render a pane with the attachments of a given Silverpeas resource (publication, suggestion, event, ...) in a given component instance.
      • WYSIWYG

        public static final SupportedWebPlugin WYSIWYG
        The CKEditor script to write and render WYSIWYG content.

        public static final SupportedWebPlugin RESPONSIBLES
        Silverpeas plugin to display responsibles for space or component.
      • POPUP

        public static final SupportedWebPlugin POPUP
        Silverpeas plugin to open a modal dialog box based on the JQuery UI Dialog.

        public static final SupportedWebPlugin IFRAMEAJAXTRANSPORT
        JQuery plugin that implements an `