Package org.silverpeas.core.i18n
Interface Summary Interface Description I18n This interface defines all the i18n related stuff as it is configured in Silverpeas: the default language, all the languages supported in the current Silverpeas, and so on.I18NBean<T extends Translation> Bean handling the different translations of its textual properties.LocalizedResource An identifiable resource in Silverpeas with localization support.ResourceTranslation Translation about the properties of a resource in Silverpeas.Translatable An object in Silverpeas whose the textual properties are translatable in different languages.Translation A translation of a text, a property of a resource supporting the i18n features. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractBean The abstraction of Silverpeas's beans.AbstractI18NBean<T extends BeanTranslation> BeanTranslation I18NHelper This class permits to manage the activated and displayed content languages.
Be careful, this class handles possible content languages and not possible user languages.
The different user languages are managed byDisplayI18NHelper