Package org.silverpeas.core.importexport
Provides an API for exporters and importers of Silverpeas resources into and from a serializable
form in a given format (PDF, iCal, JSON, and so on).
An exporter is a processor aimed to take a given type of a Silverpeas resource for serializing it in a dedicated format into an output stream. An importer is a processor aimed to take an input stream from which is deserialized a Silverpeas resource. Exporters and importers aren't for data source access purpose. Prefer the use of the Silverpeas Persistence API for doing.
Interface Summary Interface Description Exporter<T> An exporter of Silverpeas resource into a format of a given MIME type.Importer<T> An importer of a resource encoded into a format of a given MIME type. -
Class Summary Class Description ExportDescriptor It represents a descriptor for the export of a resource into a writer or an output stream.ImportDescriptor It represents a descriptor about the import of resources from a reader or an input stream.ImportExportDescriptor An import-export descriptor is an object that provides useful information to exporters and importers for performing their tasks. -
Exception Summary Exception Description EncodingException A runtime exception that is thrown when an error occurs while encoding a Silverpeas object into a formatted string or stream.ExportException Exception thrown when the export of a Silverpeas resource failed.ImportException Exception thrown when the import of a Silverpeas resource failed.NoDataToExportException A specific export exception that is raised when there is no data to export and the format of the file into which the export has to be done requires the existance of at least one such data.