Class DelayedNotificationListener

    • Constructor Detail

      • DelayedNotificationListener

        public DelayedNotificationListener()
    • Method Detail

      • triggerFired

        public void triggerFired​(SchedulerEvent anEvent)
                          throws org.silverpeas.kernel.SilverpeasException
        Description copied from interface: SchedulerEventListener
        Invoked when a job trigger fires the execution of a job. The call of this method occurs before the actual job execution. So, whether an error occurs during the processing of this call, it is considered as a job failure and as consequence an event about a job failure will be sent to the listener. The processing of this event can be, for example for preparing the resources before the job execution or performing the execution of the job itself (delegation).
        Specified by:
        triggerFired in interface SchedulerEventListener
        anEvent - the event coming from the trigger firing.
        org.silverpeas.kernel.SilverpeasException - if the process of this event failed.
      • jobSucceeded

        public void jobSucceeded​(SchedulerEvent anEvent)
        Description copied from interface: SchedulerEventListener
        Invoked when the execution of a job has been completed correctly. The job execution is considered as completed when it ends without raising any exceptions. The processing of this call can be, for example, for freeing the resources after a job completion.
        Specified by:
        jobSucceeded in interface SchedulerEventListener
        anEvent - the event coming from the job completion.
      • jobFailed

        public void jobFailed​(SchedulerEvent anEvent)
        Description copied from interface: SchedulerEventListener
        Invoked when the normal execution thread of a job is broken by an exception. When an exception is thrown by the job execution, the exception is catched by the scheduler that then considers the job has failed and thus send an event about that failure. The processing of this event can be, for example, for freeing correctly the resources after a job failure or to run a rollback or a retry process.
        Specified by:
        jobFailed in interface SchedulerEventListener
        anEvent - the event coming from the job failure.