Package org.silverpeas.core.reminder
Interface Summary Interface Description BackgroundReminderProcess Each scheduled reminder is linked to a process which must be performed when the reminder is triggered.
The linked process must be an implementation of this interface.ReminderProcessName EachBackgroundReminderProcess
is refReminderRepository Repository of reminders.WithReminder An interface to indicate that a resource supports reminder. -
Class Summary Class Description BackgroundReminderProcess.Constants ContributionReminderListener Deleter of reminders relative to a contribution that has been deleted.DateTimeReminder A reminder about any contribution that is triggered at a specified date time.DefaultContributionReminderUserNotification DefaultReminderRepository Default implementation of the JPA repository that stores the reminders for SilverpeasDurationReminder A reminder to be triggered at a specified duration before the temporal value of the specified property of the related contribution.Reminder A reminder.Reminder.ReminderBuilder A builder of reminders.ReminderIdentifier Identifier of a reminder in the persistence context.ReminderProcess The process to send a notification to the user aimed by a reminder.ReminderSettings UserPreferenceReminderListener UserReminderListener