Package org.silverpeas.core.scheduler.trigger
Provides job trigger definitions.
A trigger defines the rules to trigger in the time the execution execution of a job. It
provides a simplified way to extend and to define new way to trigger a job execution without
changing the scheduler's interface.
Interface Summary Interface Description CronExpression A well-formed cron expression.CronExpressionFactory A factory to buildCronExpression
instances whose implementation is provided by the scheduling engine used as backend of the Silverpeas Scheduler API.JobTriggerVisitor A visitor of a job trigger. -
Class Summary Class Description CronJobTrigger This job trigger fires a job execution at given moments in time, defined with a Unix cron-like definition.FixedDateTimeJobTrigger A job trigger that fires the execution of a job at a specified date and time.FixedPeriodJobTrigger A job trigger that fires repeatedly the execution of a job at a specified interval.JobTrigger A trigger of a job execution.JobTriggerProvider A factory of job triggers. -
Enum Summary Enum Description TimeUnit The unit of times as used and supported by the scheduling system in Silverpeas.