Class BlowfishKey

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Key

    public class BlowfishKey
    extends Object
    implements Key
    A representation of a symmetric key used in the Blowfish cipher. It is a wrapper of the actual key it generates from a plain text representation of the key.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • BlowfishKey

        public BlowfishKey()
        Constructs a new symmetric key for the Blowfish cipher. The key is computed from a default code; that is to say two instances created by using this constructor are equal.
      • BlowfishKey

        public BlowfishKey​(String keyCode)
        Constructs a new symmetric key for the Blowfish cypher from the specified key code in text.
        keyCode - the code of the key. Must be in UTF-8.
      • BlowfishKey

        public BlowfishKey​(byte[] keyCode)
        Constructs a new symmetric key for the Blowfish cypher from the specified binary key code.
        keyCode - the code of the key.