Interface SubscriptionService

    • Method Detail

      • subscribe

        void subscribe​(Subscription subscription)
        Register a subscription. The informations of creator identifier and creation date are ignored. If subscription already exists, nothing is registered.
        subscription -
      • subscribe

        void subscribe​(Collection<? extends Subscription> subscriptions)
                throws SubscribeRuntimeException
        Register given subscriptions. The information of creator identifier and creation date are ignored. If a subscription already exists, nothing is registered for it.

        IMPORTANT: runtime error will be thrown if subscription is created with Anonymous or Guest user

        subscriptions -
        SubscribeRuntimeException - if attempting to create subscription with Anonymous or Guest user.
      • unsubscribe

        void unsubscribe​(Subscription subscription)
        Unregister a subscription.
        subscription -
      • unsubscribe

        void unsubscribe​(Collection<? extends Subscription> subscriptions)
        Unregister given subscriptions.
        subscriptions -
      • unsubscribeBySubscriber

        void unsubscribeBySubscriber​(SubscriptionSubscriber subscriber)
        Unregister all subscription in relation to the given subscriber. If the given subscriber is a user, no subscription by a group is deleted even if the user is part of the group
        subscriber -
      • unsubscribeBySubscribers

        void unsubscribeBySubscribers​(Collection<? extends SubscriptionSubscriber> subscribers)
        Unregister all subscription in relation to given subscribers. If a given subscriber is a user, no subscription by a group is deleted even if the user is part of the group
        subscribers -
      • unsubscribeByResource

        void unsubscribeByResource​(SubscriptionResource resource)
        Unregister all subscriptions in relation to the given resource. If given resource is a node, please notice that subscriptions of linked nodes (sub nodes) are not deleted
        resource - the aimed resource
      • unsubscribeByResources

        void unsubscribeByResources​(Collection<? extends SubscriptionResource> resources)
        Unregister all subscriptions in relation to the given resources. If it exists one or several resources of nodes, please notice that subscriptions of linked nodes (sub nodes) are not deleted
        resources - the aimed resources
      • existsSubscription

        boolean existsSubscription​(Subscription subscription)
        Checks if the given subscription already exists. If the given subscription subscriber is a user but that this user is subscribed only through a group subscription, the method will return false.
        subscription -
      • getByResource

        SubscriptionList getByResource​(SubscriptionResource resource)

        Gets all subscriptions in relation to the given resource.

        It is possible here to not specify the instance id the resource is linked to, but BE CAREFUL to do that with resources having a unique identifier.

        resource - a resource subscription which could have no instance id specified.
        list of subscriptions
      • getByResource

        SubscriptionList getByResource​(SubscriptionResource resource,
                                       SubscriptionMethod method)

        Gets all subscriptions in relation to the given resource.

        It is possible here to not specify the instance id the resource is linked to, but BE CAREFUL to do that with resources having a unique identifier.

        resource - a resource subscription which could have no instance id specified.
        method - an optional subscription method.
        list of subscriptions
      • getByUserSubscriber

        SubscriptionList getByUserSubscriber​(String userId)
        Gets all subscriptions (COMPONENT/NODE and SELF_CREATION/FORCED) in relation to a user.
        userId -
        list of subscriptions of users that have subscribed themselves, of users that are subscribed through a subscribed group and of users that have been subscribed by an other user
      • getBySubscriber

        SubscriptionList getBySubscriber​(SubscriptionSubscriber subscriber)
        Gets all subscriptions (COMPONENT/NODE and SELF_CREATION/FORCED) in relation to a subscriber.
        subscriber -
        list of subscriptions
      • getBySubscriberAndComponent

        SubscriptionList getBySubscriberAndComponent​(SubscriptionSubscriber subscriber,
                                                     String instanceId)
        Gets all subscriptions (COMPONENT/NODE and SELF_CREATION/FORCED) in relation to a subscriber and a component (NODE or COMPONENT resources).
        subscriber -
        instanceId -
        list of subscriptions
      • getBySubscriberAndResource

        SubscriptionList getBySubscriberAndResource​(SubscriptionSubscriber subscriber,
                                                    SubscriptionResource resource)
        Gets all subscriptions (COMPONENT/NODE and SELF_CREATION/FORCED) in relation to a subscriber and a resource.
        subscriber -
        resource -
        list of subscriptions
      • getSubscribers

        SubscriptionSubscriberList getSubscribers​(SubscriptionResource resource)
        Gets all subscribers (USER and/or GROUP) that are subscribed to a resource. If a group subscriber is returned into result, caller has to perform it. User subscribers depending to a group subscription are not returned.
        resource -
        list of subscription subscribers
      • getSubscribers

        SubscriptionSubscriberList getSubscribers​(SubscriptionResource resource,
                                                  SubscriptionMethod method)
        Gets all subscribers (USER and/or GROUP) that are subscribed to a resource. If a group subscriber is returned into result, caller has to perform it. User subscribers depending to a group subscription are not returned.
        resource -
        method -
        list of subscription subscribers
      • getSubscribers

        SubscriptionSubscriberList getSubscribers​(Collection<? extends SubscriptionResource> resources)
        Gets all subscribers (USER and/or GROUP) that are subscribed to given resources. If a group subscriber is returned into result, caller has to perform it. User subscribers depending to a group subscription are not returned.
        resources -
        list of subscription subscribers
      • getSubscribers

        SubscriptionSubscriberList getSubscribers​(Collection<? extends SubscriptionResource> resources,
                                                  SubscriptionMethod method)
        Gets all subscribers (USER and/or GROUP) that are subscribed to given resources. If a group subscriber is returned into result, caller has to perform it. User subscribers depending to a group subscription are not returned.
        resources -
        method -
        list of subscription subscribers
      • isSubscriberSubscribedToResource

        boolean isSubscriberSubscribedToResource​(SubscriptionSubscriber subscriber,
                                                 SubscriptionResource resource)
        Indicates if a subscriber is subscribed to a resource. If user subscriber is searched but that the user is subscribed only through a group subscription, the method will return false.
        subscriber -
        resource -
        true if the given subscriber is subscribed to given resource
      • isUserSubscribedToResource

        boolean isUserSubscribedToResource​(String user,
                                           SubscriptionResource resource)
        Indicates if a user is subscribed to a resource.
        user -
        resource -
        true if user has subscribed himself, or if user is subscribed through a subscribed group or if user has been subscribed by an other user