Class ComponentSubscription

    • Constructor Detail

      • ComponentSubscription

        public ComponentSubscription​(String subscriberId,
                                     String instanceId)
        Component subscription constructor for which the type of the subscriber is USER.
        subscriberId - id of the subscriber
        instanceId - component instance id aimed by the subscription
      • ComponentSubscription

        public ComponentSubscription​(SubscriptionSubscriber subscriber,
                                     String instanceId)
        Component subscription constructor for a subscriber that handles the subscription too.
        subscriber - the subscriber
        instanceId - component instance id aimed by the subscription
      • ComponentSubscription

        public ComponentSubscription​(SubscriptionSubscriber subscriber,
                                     ComponentSubscriptionResource resource,
                                     String creatorId)
        Component subscription constructor for a subscriber that handles the subscription too.
        subscriber - the subscriber
        resource - component instance subscription
        creatorId - the user id that has handled the subscription
      • ComponentSubscription

        protected ComponentSubscription​(SubscriptionSubscriber subscriber,
                                        String instanceId,
                                        String creatorId)
        Component subscription constructor for a subscriber that handles the subscription too.
        subscriber - the subscriber
        instanceId - component instance id aimed by the subscription
        creatorId - the user id that has handled the subscription