Package org.silverpeas.core.thread.task
Interface Summary Interface Description AbstractRequestTask.ProcessContext The process context given to theAbstractRequestTask.Request.process(Object)
The process context instance is provided byAbstractRequestTask.getProcessContext()
method implementation.AbstractRequestTask.Request<C> Each request must define a method called process which will process the request. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractRequestTask<C extends AbstractRequestTask.ProcessContext> Centralizing the management of a thread in charge of processing in the background a batch ofAbstractRequestTask.Request
When there is no moreAbstractRequestTask.Request
to perform, the task ends.
When adding a newAbstractRequestTask.Request
to perform, the request is added into a queue and the task is started if it is not running.
Requests are performed one after one.
To add a request to process, useRequestTaskManager.push(Class, Request)
RequestTaskManager This manager handles the threading side ofAbstractRequestTask