Interface BeanContainer

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    CDIContainer, TestBeanContainer

    public interface BeanContainer
    I represents the strategy used to manage the life-cycle of the objects (aka the beans) in Silverpeas. Usually, the implementation of this interface is a wrapper or an adaptor to an existing IoD container (Injection Of Dependency container) such as CDI or Spring. All implementation of a bean management container must implement this interface.
    • Method Detail

      • getBeanByName

        <T> T getBeanByName​(String name)
                     throws IllegalStateException
        Gets a bean managed in this container by its name. If no such bean exists in the bean container, then an IllegalStateException exception is thrown.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the bean to return.
        name - the name of the bean.
        the bean matching the specified name.
        IllegalStateException - if no bean can be found with the specified name.
      • getBeanByType

        <T> T getBeanByType​(Class<T> type,
                            Annotation... qualifiers)
                     throws IllegalStateException
        Gets a bean managed in this container by its type and optionally by some qualifiers. If no such bean exists in the bean container, then an IllegalStateException exception is thrown.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the bean to return.
        type - the type of the bean.
        qualifiers - zero, one or more qualifiers annotating the bean to look for.
        the bean satisfying the expected type and, if any, the expected qualifiers.
        IllegalStateException - if no bean of the specified type and with the specified qualifiers can be found.
      • getAllBeansByType

        <T> Set<T> getAllBeansByType​(Class<T> type,
                                     Annotation... qualifiers)
        Gets a bean managed in this container by its name. If no such bean exists in the bean container, then an empty set is returned.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the bean to return.
        type - the type of the bean.
        qualifiers - zero, one or more qualifiers annotating the bean to look for.
        a set of beans satisfying the expected type and, if any, the expected qualifiers, or an empty set otherwise.