Class MultiSilverpeasBundle

  • public class MultiSilverpeasBundle
    extends Object
    A bundle that is a wrapper of several kinds of resource bundles.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MultiSilverpeasBundle

        public MultiSilverpeasBundle​(org.silverpeas.kernel.bundle.LocalizationBundle specificMultilang,
                                     org.silverpeas.kernel.bundle.SettingBundle specificIcons,
                                     String language)
        Constructs a new multiple bundle.
        specificMultilang - the localized messages
        specificIcons - the icons
        language - the language of the localized resources.
      • MultiSilverpeasBundle

        public MultiSilverpeasBundle​(org.silverpeas.kernel.bundle.LocalizationBundle specificMultilang,
                                     org.silverpeas.kernel.bundle.SettingBundle specificIcons,
                                     org.silverpeas.kernel.bundle.SettingBundle specificSettings,
                                     String language)
        Constructs a new multiple bundle.
        specificMultilang - the localized messages
        specificIcons - the icons
        specificSettings - the settings
        language - the language of the localized resources.
      • MultiSilverpeasBundle

        public MultiSilverpeasBundle​(org.silverpeas.kernel.bundle.LocalizationBundle specificMultilang,
                                     String language)
        Constructs a new multiple bundle.
        specificMultilang - the localized messages
        language - the language of the localized resources.
    • Method Detail

      • getMultilangBundle

        public ResourceBundle getMultilangBundle()
        Return the ResourceBundle for usage in JSTL.
        the ResourceBundle.
      • getIconsBundle

        public org.silverpeas.kernel.bundle.SettingBundle getIconsBundle()
        Return the icons settings.
        the SettingBundle.
      • getString

        public String getString​(String key)
        key - - key in the multilang file
        the value of the key according to the key. If key starts with "GML.", we look at in the general multilang. Else, we look at in the component multilang
      • getStringWithParams

        public String getStringWithParams​(String key,
                                          String[] params)
      • getLanguage

        public String getLanguage()
      • getSetting

        public String getSetting​(String key)
        We look at the key in the specific settings file.
        key - - key in the settings file
        the value of the key if the key exists and if a value is specified. null otherwise.
      • getSetting

        public boolean getSetting​(String key,
                                  boolean defaultValue)
      • getSetting

        public int getSetting​(String key,
                              int defaultValue)
      • getOutputDate

        public String getOutputDate​(Date date)
      • getOutputDateAndHour

        public String getOutputDateAndHour​(Date date)
      • getOutputDateAndHour

        public String getOutputDateAndHour​(Date date,
                                           Date defaultDate)
        Display first not null date
        date - date to display
        defaultDate - extra date to display if date1 is empty (or null)
        the formatted date
      • getInputDate

        public String getInputDate​(Date date)
      • getDBDate

        public String getDBDate​(Date date)