Class SyncEngine

  • public final class SyncEngine
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • SyncEngine

        public SyncEngine()
    • Method Detail

      • synchronize

        public final String synchronize​(File localCalendar,
                                        URL remoteCalendar,
                                        String username,
                                        String password)
                                 throws org.silverpeas.kernel.SilverpeasException
        Import a remote calendar
        localCalendar - localResourceLocator calendar file
        remoteCalendar - Google SilverpeasCalendar's private ICAL URL (""), or the RSS/ATOM feed's URL (= feed converter mode)
        username - full name of the user (eg. "" or ""), this value is optional in feed converter mode
        password - Gmail password (in unencrypted, plain text format), this value is optional in feed converter mode
        Exception - any exception (eg. i/o, invalid param, invalid calendar syntax, etc)