Class WysiwygRouting

  • public class WysiwygRouting
    extends Object
    A routing definition to the WYSIWYG editor in Silverpeas. It is an HTML page in which is displayed the WYSIWYG text editor tool.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WysiwygRouting

        public WysiwygRouting()
    • Method Detail

      • getWysiwygEditorPath

        public String getWysiwygEditorPath​(WysiwygRouting.WysiwygRoutingContext context,
                                           javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
                                    throws RoutingException
        Gets the path of the WYSIWYG editor page relative to the Silverpeas web context.
        context - the routing context from which properties are set.
        request - the current HTTP request. If null, then the path will have query-parameters to set some required properties.
        the path relative to the Silverpeas web context.
        RoutingException - if an error occurs while building the path.
      • getDestinationToWysiwygEditor

        public String getDestinationToWysiwygEditor​(WysiwygRouting.WysiwygRoutingContext context)
                                             throws RoutingException
        Gets the path of the WYSIWYG editor path relative to the Silverpeas web context enriched with query parameters to set the required properties asked by the editor.
        context - the routing context from which properties are set.
        the path with query parameters relative to the Silverpeas web context.
        RoutingException - if an error occurs while building the path.