Class SelectionUsersGroups

  • public class SelectionUsersGroups
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • SelectionUsersGroups

        public SelectionUsersGroups()
    • Method Detail

      • getJoinedProfileNames

        public String getJoinedProfileNames()
      • isMatchingAllProfileNames

        public boolean isMatchingAllProfileNames()
      • getProfileIds

        public List<String> getProfileIds()
      • setProfileNames

        public void setProfileNames​(List<String> profileNames)
      • setProfileNames

        public void setProfileNames​(List<String> profileNames,
                                    boolean matchingAll)
      • isIncludeRemovedUsers

        public boolean isIncludeRemovedUsers()
        Should the selection include removed users?
        true to include removed users, false otherwise.
      • setIncludeRemovedUsers

        public void setIncludeRemovedUsers​(boolean includeRemovedUsers)
      • getObjectId

        public String getObjectId()
        Gets the identifier of the object in the component instance for which the users must have enough right to access.
        the unique identifier of the object, made up of its type followed by its identifier.
      • setObjectId

        public void setObjectId​(String objectId)
        Sets the object in the component instance for which the users must have enough right to access.
        objectId - the unique identifier of the object in Silverpeas. It must be made up of its type followed by its identifier.
      • getComponentId

        public String getComponentId()
      • setComponentId

        public void setComponentId​(String componentId)
      • getDomainId

        public String getDomainId()
      • setDomainId

        public void setDomainId​(String domainId)
      • getDistinctUserIds

        public static String[] getDistinctUserIds​(String[] selectedUsers,
                                                  String[] selectedGroups)
      • getUserDetails

        public static UserDetail[] getUserDetails​(String[] userIds)
      • getGroups

        public static Group[] getGroups​(String[] groupIds)
      • getGroupIds

        public static String[] getGroupIds​(Group[] groups)