Interface TaskDoneEvent

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface TaskDoneEvent
    extends GenericEvent
    A TaskDoneEvent object is the description of a done activity. Those descriptions are sent to the workflow engine by the workflow tools when the user has done a task in a process instance.
    • Method Detail

      • getProcessModel

        ProcessModel getProcessModel()
        Returns the process model (peas).
      • setProcessInstance

        void setProcessInstance​(ProcessInstance instance)
        Set the process instance.
      • setResumingAction

        void setResumingAction​(boolean isResumingInstance)
        Set a flag to indicate if action comes from a resumed action.
      • isResumingAction

        boolean isResumingAction()
        Get the flag to indicate if action comes from a resumed action.