Interface SortResults

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    DefaultSortResults, SortResultsXFormWithoutPub

    public interface SortResults
    This interface define services allowing to filter or sort a list of GlobalSilverResult object
    David Derigent
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        List<GlobalSilverResult> execute​(List<GlobalSilverResult> results,
                                         String sortOrder,
                                         String sortValue,
                                         String language)
        realizes the sort or the sorting or filtering of a list of GlobalSilverResult
        results - List of GlobalSilverResult object
        sortOrder - order of sort
        sortValue - type of sort to realize
        language -
        a sorting and/or filtering list
      • setPdcSearchSessionController

        void setPdcSearchSessionController​(PdcSearchSessionController controller)
        Sets a PdcSearchSessionController in case this is needed by the sort
        controller -