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GNU/Linux Native Packages of Silverpeas

We offer you packaging of Silverpeas in both for Debian distributions, and for some RPM-based server distributions (RHEL and CentOS).

Those packages install standalone version of Silverpeas into /opt/silverpeas with the data (your data) into /var/data/silverpeas. They create also both a user and a group dedicated to the execution of silverpeas in a non-privileged role: silverpeas. So please, ensure there is not already a user and a group with this identifier. Finally they provide a service starting script, configured to be launched at boot time. It can be launched by hand as:

/etc/init.d/silverpeas start


service silverpeas start

the starting of Silverpeas can take several minutes, depending on the resources of your machine. Once Silverpeas started, you can access it at http://<you server>:8000/silverpeas.

The installation doesn't start automatically Silverpeas, leaving you before the opportunity to make a custom configuration.

The log of Silverpeas is in /var/log/silverpeas.log.


When updating Silverpeas, we recommand strongly to stop it and to backup both the data (/var/data/silverpeas) and the database silverpeas before any update, mainly when updating to a main version (evolutive or major version).

Dependency on PostgreSQL and on

Since Silverpeas depends on PostgreSQL and on, the package installation will also install the PostgreSQL database system and either or LibreOffice office suite on your machine.

If not already done, it will setup PostgreSQL for Silverpeas. In the case the PostgreSQL setting for Silverpeas failed, you can do it manually by following the steps as described in the documentation here.

The package installation will install a service starting script for, configured to be launched at boot time. It can be launched by hand as:

/etc/init.d/openoffice start


service openoffice start

Some recommendations on tiers-party tools

Since the version 5.11, Silverpeas recommends strongly the ImageMagick, Ghostscript and SWFTools tools. They offer to Silverpeas the feature to preview and to visualize the document content (whatever its format). They aren't required to run and to use Silverpeas, they are just recommendation as they enhance the user experience with Silverpeas.

Unfortunately, the SWFTools tools suite is not provided by any official repository or, when provided, it is not complete (for example pdf2swf is missing). So, you'll find instructions how to install it for your GNU/Linux distribution in the corresponding section below.


Silverpeas is based upon the JBoss AS 6.1 that requires Java 1.6. As we have experienced some problems with OpenJDK 6, we recommend strongly the distribution Oracle Java 6.

Debian-based GNU/Linux distributions


Java 1.6

We recommend Java from Oracle. The team WebUpd8 provides debian package for installing it in Debian-based distributions.

To install Oracle Java 6 in Ubuntu-based distributions, first add the repository of the WebUpd8 team:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java

To add this repository in Debian-based distributions, edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file and add the following lines:

deb saucy main
deb-src saucy main

then import the PGP key with which the packages in this repository are signed:

gpg --keyserver --recv-keys EEA14886
gpg -a --export EEA14886 | sudo apt--key add -

Once the WebUpd8 team repository added, install Oracle Java 6:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java6-installer oracle-java6-set-default


Take caution with the official SWFTools package provided since Ubuntu 12.10 and Debian Wheezy because it's not complete; for example, it doesn't provide the pdf2swf tool used by Silverpeas. Instead, SWFTools can be found in the non-official Launchpad repository of Guilhem Lettron. To add this repository with Ubuntu:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:guilhem-fr/swftools

To add this repository with Debian, edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file and add the following lines:

deb oneiric main
deb-src oneiric main

then import the PGP key with which the packages in this repository are signed:

gpg --keyserver --recv-key E429E19D97F87FBF
gpg -a --export E429E19D97F87FBF | sudo apt--key add -

For Ubuntu ≥ 12.10 and for Debian Wheezey, you have to indicate to APT to prefere the SWFTools package from the Guilhem APT repository instead of the official one. To do this, add a file swftools in the directory /etc/apt/preferences.d with the following lines:

Package: swftools
Pin: origin
Pin-Priority: 610

Package: swftools
Pin: origin
Pin-Priority: 600

replace the repository URL by the one defined in your /etc/apt/sources.list for the universe repository in Ubuntu and by the one for the main repository in Debian.

Now, you are ready to install the recommended packages:

sudo apt-get install imagemagick ghostscript swftools

The APT repositories

We provide an APT repository for each evolutive version of Silverpeas from which you can install and update Silverpeas: you can then find a repository for the versions 5.13, another one for the version 5.14, and so on.

By providing a different APT repository for each main version of Silverpeas, the automatic updates of Silverpeas will concern only the minor releases (bug fixes) and not the main versions; this will leave you the control of the upgrade of Silverpeas to a new evolutive version or to a new major version. To upgrade to a new main version, just replace the current APT repository with the one for the main version, then update your local package index and finally upgrade your system (here upgrade to the new evolutive version 5.14):

sudo service silverpeas stop
sudo wget -O /etc/apt.sources.list.d/silverpeas.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

The available packages were tested on Debian Squeeze (6.x) and on Debian Wheezy (7.x), on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS server and on the latest version of Ubuntu Server. Nevertheless, and unlike the RPM-based distributions, as Debian-based distributions are all built upon Debian and use the same base packages repositories, we expect the Silverpeas packages can be also installed on all Debian-based distributions.

To install Silverpeas, first choose the main version that you wish to use and then add the corresponding repository. For example, with the version 5.14:

sudo wget -O /etc/apt.sources.list.d/silverpeas.list

or add the following entry in your /etc/apt/sources.list file:

deb [arch=all] 5.14 main

Update your local package index and install Silverpeas:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install silverpeas

RPM-based GNU/Linux Server distributions: RedHat and CentOS


Java 1.6

Silverpeas requires the latest Java 1.6.0 to run; it doesn't support yet Java 1.7.0. As in recent RPM-based GNU/Linux distribution, it is no longer provided, it is then no more defined as a requirement in the Silverpeas RPM. Thus, you have to download it from the Oracle website and manually install it on your system. Once done, check the output of the command:

java -version
If the current version isn't of type 1.6.0, then the java alternative wasn't set by the java installation and you have to do it also manually:
sudo alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/default/jre/bin/java 20000
sudo alternatives --install /usr/bin/jar jar /usr/java/default/bin/jar 20000
sudo alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /usr/java/default/bin/javac 20000
sudo alternatives --install /usr/bin/javaws javaws /usr/java/default/jre/bin/javaws 20000
sudo alternatives --set java /usr/java/default/jre/bin/java
sudo alternatives --set javaws /usr/java/default/jre/bin/javaws
sudo alternatives --set javac /usr/java/default/bin/javac
sudo alternatives --set jar /usr/java/default/bin/jar

where default is a symlink to the installation of the Oracle Java into /user/java (ensure the symlink refers a version 6 of Java).


The packages of the ImageMagick, Ghostscript and SWFTools programs are defined as a requirement in the Silverpeas package. Unfortunately SWFTools isn't provided by the official repositories of both CentOS and RHEL. For CentOS and RHEL, as there is no tiers-party Yum repository providing them, we make them available in our own one (you can find them also in RPM Repo Forge).

The YUM repositories

The RHEL and CentOs distributions, since version 5.x, uses the YUM installer to install and update the RPM packages with their dependencies from remote repositories. We provide a YUM repository with each main version of Silverpeas for each major version of RHEL/CentOS: currently we provide a YUM repository for RHEL/CentOS 5 and for another one for RHEL/CentOS 6.

Each main version of Silverpeas (evolutive and major versions) are available in these repositories with a different package name as silverpeas-MAIN_VERSION; for example silverpeas-5.14 for Silverpeas 5.14. By defining a package name different for each main version of Silverpeas, the automatic updates of Silverpeas will concern only the minor releases (bug fixes) related to the installed main version; this will leave you the control of the upgrade of Silverpeas to a new evolutive version or to a new major version. To upgrade to a new main version, first backup the data (/var/data/silverpeas/) as well the database silverpeas, then remove the previous Silverpeas installation, install the package relative to the new main version, restore both the data and the database, customize if needed the Silverpeas configuration, then run the settings script:

cd /opt/silverpeas/bin

RHEL 5.10 and CentOS 5.10

Add repository:

sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/silverpeas.repo
sudo yum makecache

Install Silverpeas, for example Silverpeas 5.14:

yum install silverpeas-5.14

RHEL 6.5 and CentOS 6.5

Add repository:

sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/silverpeas.repo

Install Silverpeas, for example Silverpeas 5.14:

yum install silverpeas-5.14