Class Warning

  • public class Warning
    extends Object
    A list of message with an attribute to specify whether the warning message MUST be displayed on all changes or not (default).
    • Field Detail

      • always

        protected boolean always
    • Constructor Detail

      • Warning

        public Warning()
    • Method Detail

      • isAlways

        public boolean isAlways()
        Must the warning be displayed whatever the parameter value ?
        true if the warning have to be displayed at any parameter value change, false to display the warning only when the parameter value change to true.
      • setAlways

        public void setAlways​(boolean always)
        Sets the data returned by isAlways() method.
        always - a boolean.
        See Also:
      • getMessages

        protected Map<String,​String> getMessages()
        Gets a copy of registered messages.
        messages indexed by languages.
      • putMessage

        public void putMessage​(String language,
                               String message)
        Puts a localized message directly linked to the Warning instance.
        language - the language the message is localized into.
        message - a localized message.