Package org.silverpeas.core.contribution.converter
This package defines an API for document format conversion.
It provides objects to convert documents in different formats. For example, a converter between
an ODT document to the PDF format.
The converters are managed by the underlying IoC container and so can be injected as dependency.
For objects whose the life-cycle isn't managed by the IoC container, a factory of theses
converters is available, DocumentFormatConverterProvider.
Interface Summary Interface Description DocumentFormatConversion This interface defines the ability to convert a document in a given format into a specified another format.HTMLConverter A converter of HTML document into a text format.ODTConverter A converter of ODT documents (OpenDocument Text) into another specified formats.ToHTMLConverter A converter of following listed documents into PDF format : - ODT - DOC - RTF The converter is managed by the IoC container and can be retrieving under the name 'toHTMLConverter'.ToPDFConverter A converter of following listed documents into PDF format : - ODT - DOC The converter is managed by the IoC container and can be retrieving under the name 'toPDFConverter'. -
Class Summary Class Description DocumentFormatConverterProvider A factory of document format converters available in Silverpeas. -
Enum Summary Enum Description DocumentFormat Enumeration of the different formats of documents supported in Silverpeas. -
Exception Summary Exception Description DocumentFormatConversionException Exception thrown when an error occurs while converting a document to another format.DocumentFormatException Exception thrown when the format of a document or the format in which a document has to be converted isn't supported by a converter.