Uses of Package
Packages that use org.silverpeas.core.contribution.converter Package Description org.silverpeas.core.contribution.converter This package defines an API for document format Provides an implementation of the document format conversion API by using an OpenOffice service running and listening at a given port. -
Classes in org.silverpeas.core.contribution.converter used by org.silverpeas.core.contribution.converter Class Description DocumentFormat Enumeration of the different formats of documents supported in Silverpeas.DocumentFormatConversion This interface defines the ability to convert a document in a given format into a specified another format.HTMLConverter A converter of HTML document into a text format.ODTConverter A converter of ODT documents (OpenDocument Text) into another specified formats.ToHTMLConverter A converter of following listed documents into PDF format : - ODT - DOC - RTF The converter is managed by the IoC container and can be retrieving under the name 'toHTMLConverter'. -
Classes in org.silverpeas.core.contribution.converter used by org.silverpeas.core.contribution.converter.openoffice Class Description DocumentFormat Enumeration of the different formats of documents supported in Silverpeas.DocumentFormatConversion This interface defines the ability to convert a document in a given format into a specified another format.HTMLConverter A converter of HTML document into a text format.ODTConverter A converter of ODT documents (OpenDocument Text) into another specified formats.ToHTMLConverter A converter of following listed documents into PDF format : - ODT - DOC - RTF The converter is managed by the IoC container and can be retrieving under the name 'toHTMLConverter'.ToPDFConverter A converter of following listed documents into PDF format : - ODT - DOC The converter is managed by the IoC container and can be retrieving under the name 'toPDFConverter'.