Class UserNotificationHelper

  • @Singleton
    public class UserNotificationHelper
    extends Object
    Yohann Chastagnier
    • Constructor Detail

      • UserNotificationHelper

        public UserNotificationHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • buildAndSend

        public static void buildAndSend​(UserNotificationBuilder notificationBuilder)
        Builds a notification data container from a given builder. After that, sends the built notification
        notificationBuilder - the builder to use to construct the notification
      • buildAndSend

        public static void buildAndSend​(BuiltInNotifAddress notificationAddress,
                                        UserNotificationBuilder notificationBuilder)
        Builds a notification data container from a given builder. After that, sends the built notification for the given media type
        notificationAddress - the built-in address at which the notification has to be sent.
        notificationBuilder - the builder to use to construct the notification.
      • build

        public static NotificationMetaData build​(UserNotificationBuilder notificationBuilder)
        Builds a notification data container from a given builder
        notificationBuilder - the builder to use to construct the notification.
        the metadata about the notification that is built by the builder.
      • getInstance

        public static UserNotificationHelper getInstance()
        a UserNotificationHelper instance.