Class AbstractJpaEntityRepository<T extends AbstractJpaEntity<T,​?>>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the class name of the identifiable entity which is handled by the repository.
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    BasicJpaEntityRepository, SilverpeasJpaEntityRepository

    public abstract class AbstractJpaEntityRepository<T extends AbstractJpaEntity<T,​?>>
    extends Object
    implements EntityRepository<T>
    Abstract implementation of the EntityRepository interface that uses the JPA API. This implementation defines all the common methods that can be required by the more concrete repositories to implement easily their persistence related business operations. It provides additional signatures to handle friendly the JPA queries into extensions of repository classes. Take a look into this class to analyse how query parameters are performed (NamedParameters).
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractJpaEntityRepository

        public AbstractJpaEntityRepository()
    • Method Detail

      • flush

        public void flush()
        Description copied from interface: EntityRepository
        Synchronizes the persistence context to the underlying data source. Within a transactional context, the persistence context is directly put to the data source but will be effective only when the transaction will be committed. The consequence of the synchronization within a transaction context is the persistence context is then validated by the data source. Making it work, the data source has to support the transactions.

        Warning, the behavior of this method is implementation-dependent. According to the type of the repository or of the underlying data source, the flush can not to be working.

        Specified by:
        flush in interface EntityRepository<T extends AbstractJpaEntity<T,​?>>
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(T entity)
        Description copied from interface: EntityRepository
        Does this repository contains the specified entity? It contains the entity if its persistence context is taken in charge by the instances of the repository class.
        Specified by:
        contains in interface EntityRepository<T extends AbstractJpaEntity<T,​?>>
        entity - an entity.
        true if the specified entity exists in the persistence context backed by this repository, false otherwise.
      • getById

        public T getById​(String id)
        Description copied from interface: EntityRepository
        Gets a persisted entity by its unique identifier.
        Specified by:
        getById in interface EntityRepository<T extends AbstractJpaEntity<T,​?>>
        id - a unique identifier.
        the entity with the specified entity identifier or null if no such entity exist in the data source.
      • countByCriteria

        protected long countByCriteria​(QueryCriteria criteria)
      • findByCriteria

        public SilverpeasList<T> findByCriteria​(QueryCriteria criteria)
        Description copied from interface: EntityRepository
        Finds all the entities that match the specified criteria.
        Specified by:
        findByCriteria in interface EntityRepository<T extends AbstractJpaEntity<T,​?>>
        criteria - the criteria constraining the query and for which the entities to list have to satisfy.
        a list of entities matching the specified criteria. If a pagination criterion is defined in the criteria, then the returned list is a PaginationList instance.
      • findByNamedQuery

        protected SilverpeasList<T> findByNamedQuery​(String namedQuery,
                                                     NamedParameters parameters)
        Finds the entities by the specified named query (a JPQL instruction) and with the specified parameters.
        namedQuery - the named query. It is an identifier to a JPQL instruction.
        parameters - the parameters to apply on the query.
        a list of entities that match the specified query.
      • findFirstByNamedQuery

        protected T findFirstByNamedQuery​(String namedQuery,
                                          NamedParameters parameters)
        Finds the first entity matching the specified named query (a JPQL instruction) and with the specified parameters.
        namedQuery - the named query. It is an identifier to a JPQL instruction.
        parameters - the parameters to apply on the query.
        the first encountered entity that matches the specified query or null if no entities match the specified query.
      • newNamedParameters

        protected NamedParameters newNamedParameters()
        Constructs a container of query parameters to use in JPQL queries.
        a container of query parameters.
      • noParameter

        protected NoNamedParameter noParameter()
        Gets an instance that represents the fact that it does not exist parameter for the query to execute.
        instance of NoNamedParameter
      • countFromJpqlString

        protected long countFromJpqlString​(String query,
                                           NamedParameters parameters)
        Gets an entity from the specified query written in JPQL and with the specified parameters.
        query - the JPQL query.
        parameters - the parameters to apply to the query.
        the required entity if exists, null otherwise
        IllegalArgumentException - if it exists more than one entity from the query result.
      • getFromJpqlString

        protected T getFromJpqlString​(String query,
                                      NamedParameters parameters)
        Gets an entity from the specified query written in JPQL and with the specified parameters.
        query - the JPQL query.
        parameters - the parameters to apply to the query.
        the required entity if exists, null otherwise
        IllegalArgumentException - if it exists more than one entity from the query result.
      • getFromJpqlString

        protected <U> U getFromJpqlString​(String query,
                                          NamedParameters parameters,
                                          Class<U> returnEntityType)
        Gets an entity of a given type from the specified JPQL query and with the specified parameters. This method is for fetching any information about the entities stored into this repository; it can be an entity itself or a count of entities satisfying some properties, and so on.
        Type Parameters:
        U - the type of the returned entities.
        query - the JPQL query.
        parameters - the parameters to apply to the query.
        returnEntityType - the class of the returned entities.
        the required entity if exists, null otherwise
        IllegalArgumentException - if it exists more than one entity from the query result.
      • listFromJpqlString

        protected SilverpeasList<T> listFromJpqlString​(String query,
                                                       NamedParameters parameters)
        Lists entities from the specified JPQL query and with the specified parameters.
        query - the JPQL query.
        parameters - the parameters to apply to the query.
        a list of entities matching the query and the parameters. If no entities match the query then an empty list is returned.
      • listFromJpqlString

        protected SilverpeasList<T> listFromJpqlString​(String query,
                                                       NamedParameters parameters,
                                                       PaginationCriterion pagination)
        Lists entities from the specified JPQL query and with the specified parameters.
        query - the JPQL query.
        parameters - the parameters to apply to the query.
        pagination - the pagination criterion to apply.
        a list of entities matching the query and the parameters. If no entities match the query then an empty list is returned.
      • listFromJpqlString

        protected <U> SilverpeasList<U> listFromJpqlString​(String query,
                                                           NamedParameters parameters,
                                                           Class<U> returnEntityType)
        Lists entities from the specified JPQL query and with the specified parameters. This method is for fetching any information about the entities stored into this repository; it can be the entities themselves or some of their properties or relationships, and so on.
        Type Parameters:
        U - the type of the returned entities.
        Please be careful to always close the streams in order to avoid memory leaks!!!
           try(Stream<T> object : streamAllFromQuery(...)) {
             // Performing the treatment
        query - the JPQL query.
        parameters - the parameters to apply to the query.
        returnEntityType - the class of the returned entities.
        a list of entities matching the query and the parameters. If no entities match the query then an empty list is returned.
      • listFromJpqlString

        protected <U> SilverpeasList<U> listFromJpqlString​(String jpqlQuery,
                                                           NamedParameters parameters,
                                                           PaginationCriterion pagination,
                                                           Class<U> returnEntityType)
        Lists entities from the specified JPQL query and with the specified parameters. This method is for fetching any information about the entities stored into this repository; it can be the entities themselves or some of their properties or relationships, and so on.
        Type Parameters:
        U - the type of the returned entities.
        jpqlQuery - the JPQL query.
        parameters - the parameters to apply to the query.
        pagination - the pagination criterion to apply.
        returnEntityType - the class of the returned entities.
        a list of entities matching the query and the parameters. If no entities match the query then an empty list is returned.
      • streamFromJpqlString

        protected Stream<T> streamFromJpqlString​(String query,
                                                 NamedParameters parameters)
        Streams entities from the specified JPQL query and with the specified parameters.
        Useful for treatment over a large number of data.
        query - the JPQL query.
        parameters - the parameters to apply to the query.
        a list of entities matching the query and the parameters. If no entities match the query then an empty list is returned.
      • streamFromJpqlString

        protected <U> Stream<U> streamFromJpqlString​(String query,
                                                     NamedParameters parameters,
                                                     Class<U> returnEntityType)
        Stream entities from the specified JPQL query and with the specified parameters. This method is for fetching any information about the entities stored into this repository; it can be the entities themselves or some of their properties or relationships, and so on.
        Useful for treatment over a large number of data.
        Please be careful to always close the streams in order to avoid memory leaks!!!
           try(Stream<T> object : streamAllFromQuery(...)) {
             // Performing the treatment
        Type Parameters:
        U - the type of the returned entities.
        query - the JPQL query.
        parameters - the parameters to apply to the query.
        returnEntityType - the class of the returned entities.
        a list of entities matching the query and the parameters. If no entities match the query then an empty list is returned.
      • updateFromJpqlQuery

        protected long updateFromJpqlQuery​(String query,
                                           NamedParameters parameters)
        Updates entities from a JPQL query and with the specified parameters.
        query - the JPQL query.
        parameters - the parameters to apply to the query.
        the number of deleted entities.
      • deleteFromJpqlQuery

        protected long deleteFromJpqlQuery​(String query,
                                           NamedParameters parameters)
        Deletes entities from a JPQL query and with the specified parameters.
        query - the JPQL query.
        parameters - the parameters to apply to the query.
        the number of deleted entities.
      • getFromNamedQuery

        protected T getFromNamedQuery​(String namedQuery,
                                      NamedParameters parameters)
        Gets an entity from a named query and with the specified parameters.
        namedQuery - the name of the query.
        parameters - the parameters to apply to the query.
        the required entity if exists, null otherwise
        IllegalArgumentException - if it exists more than one entity from the query result.
      • getFromNamedQuery

        protected <U> U getFromNamedQuery​(String namedQuery,
                                          NamedParameters parameters,
                                          Class<U> returnEntityType)
        Gets an entity from a named query and with the specified parameters. This method is for fetching any information about the entities stored into this repository; it can be an entity itself or a count of entities satisfying some properties, and so on.
        Type Parameters:
        U - the type of the returned entities.
        namedQuery - the name of the query.
        parameters - the parameters to apply to the query.
        returnEntityType - the class of the returned entities.
        the required entity if exists, null otherwise
        IllegalArgumentException - if it exists more than one entity from the query result.
      • listFromNamedQuery

        protected SilverpeasList<T> listFromNamedQuery​(String namedQuery,
                                                       NamedParameters parameters)
        Lists entities from a named query and with the specified parameters.
        namedQuery - the n ame of the query.
        parameters - the parameters to apply to the query.
        the list of entities matching the query and the parameters.
      • listFromNamedQuery

        protected <U> SilverpeasList<U> listFromNamedQuery​(String namedQuery,
                                                           NamedParameters parameters,
                                                           Class<U> returnEntityType)
        Lists entities from a named query and with the specified parameters.
        Type Parameters:
        U - the type of the returned entities.
        namedQuery - the name of the query.
        parameters - the parameters to apply to the query.
        returnEntityType - the class of the returned entities.
        a list of entities of the given type or an empty list if no entities match the specified named query with the given parameters.
      • streamByNamedQuery

        protected Stream<T> streamByNamedQuery​(String namedQuery,
                                               NamedParameters parameters)
        Streams entities from a named query and with the specified parameters.
        Useful for treatment over a large number of data.
        Please be careful to always close the stream in order to avoid memory leaks!!!
           try(Stream<T> object : streamAllFromQuery(...)) {
             // Performing the treatment
        namedQuery - the n ame of the query.
        parameters - the parameters to apply to the query.
        the list of entities matching the query and the parameters.
      • streamByNamedQuery

        protected <U> Stream<U> streamByNamedQuery​(String namedQuery,
                                                   NamedParameters parameters,
                                                   Class<U> returnEntityType)
        Streams entities from a named query and with the specified parameters.
        Useful for treatment over a large number of data.
        Please be careful to always close the stream in order to avoid memory leaks!!!
           try(Stream<T> object : streamAllFromQuery(...)) {
             // Performing the treatment
        Type Parameters:
        U - the type of the returned entities.
        namedQuery - the name of the query.
        parameters - the parameters to apply to the query.
        returnEntityType - the class of the returned entities.
        a list of entities of the given type or an empty list if no entities match the specified named query with the given parameters.
      • updateFromNamedQuery

        protected long updateFromNamedQuery​(String namedQuery,
                                            NamedParameters parameters)
        Updates the entities from a named query and with the specified parameters.
        namedQuery - the name of the query.
        parameters - the parameters to apply to the query.
        the count of entities updated by the named query.
      • deleteFromNamedQuery

        protected long deleteFromNamedQuery​(String namedQuery,
                                            NamedParameters parameters)
        Deletes the entities from a named query and with the specified parameters.
        namedQuery - the name of the query.
        parameters - the parameters to apply to the query.
        the count of entities deleted by the named query.
      • getMaximumItemsInClause

        protected int getMaximumItemsInClause()
        Maximum number of items to be passed into a SQL "in" clause. Indeed, according to the database, the treatment of the "in" clause may be different and pass too much value "in" this clause may result in an error ... The behaviour is the following : when a query includes an "in" clause potentially filled with a lot of values, the protected split method can be used to divide a collection of values into several collections of values, each one with its size limited to this parameter. Please take a look at .EntityRepository#getByIdentifier or .repository .EntityRepository#deleteByIdentifier methods for examples of use. Returns of experiences drives us to set the default value at 500.
        the maximum number of items in a clause.
      • setMaximumItemsInClause

        protected void setMaximumItemsInClause​(int maximumItemsInClause)
        Sets the maximum items in clause.
        maximumItemsInClause - the maximum number of items in an SQL in-clause.
      • getEntityManager

        protected javax.persistence.EntityManager getEntityManager()
        Gets the entity manager with which the persistence of the entities stored in this repository is performed.
        the JPA entity manager.
      • getEntityClass

        protected Class<T> getEntityClass()