Class ViewerContext

  • public class ViewerContext
    extends Object
    The context of a conversion process.
    Yohann Chastagnier
    • Constructor Detail

      • ViewerContext

        public ViewerContext​(String documentId,
                             String documentType,
                             String originalFileName,
                             File originalSourceFile,
                             String language)
    • Method Detail

      • getDocumentId

        public String getDocumentId()
        Gets the identifier of the document.
        a string.
      • getDocumentType

        public String getDocumentType()
        Gets the type of the document.
        a string.
      • getOriginalFileName

        public String getOriginalFileName()
        Gets the name of the original file.
        the name as string.
      • getOriginalSourceFile

        public File getOriginalSourceFile()
        Gets the original file.
        the File that represents the original file.
      • getWorkspace

        public TemporaryWorkspaceTranslation getWorkspace()
        Gets the workspace into which the processes will write the results.
        the File that represents the workspace.
      • getViewId

        public String getViewId()
        Gets the identifier associated to the current conversion processes for viewing.
        If an id has been explicitly set, then it is returned.
        Otherwise, a unique id is computed.
        a unique identifier as string.
      • withUniqueDocumentId

        public ViewerContext withUniqueDocumentId​(String uniqueDocumentId)
        Sets a unique identifier associated to the current document to convert.
        This id is used by getViewId() in order to compute the final unique identifier.
        uniqueDocumentId - a unique document identifier (please be careful about 'unique' word).
        the current context instance.
      • isCacheRequired

        public boolean isCacheRequired()
        Indicates if cache is required.
        true if required, false otherwise.
      • isProcessingCache

        public boolean isProcessingCache()
        Indicates if the current process is the one which is in charge of performing the conversion tasks.
        true if the current process is in charge, false otherwise.
      • processingCache

        public void processingCache()
        Sets into context that the current process is in charge of the conversion tasks.
      • getLanguage

        public String getLanguage()
        Gets the language of the content
        a string.