Class ArrayColumn

    • Field Detail


        public static final int COLUMN_BEHAVIOUR_NO_TRIGGER
        This behaviour is set when a column header is not sortable. No hyperlink will be anchored around the title of the column.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int COLUMN_BEHAVIOUR_DEFAULT
        Default behaviour in which the column header is sortable. An hyperlink will be anchored around the title of the column.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • routingAddress

        protected String routingAddress
        In some cases, it may be preferable to specify the routing address (via setRoutingAddress(String address)) If not the print() method defaults to an address derived from the request URL. Note that te routing address may start with the protocol string arraypane:, in which case a javascript:doArrayPane() URL is issued instead of a standard URL.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ArrayColumn

        public ArrayColumn​(String title,
                           int columnNumber,
                           ArrayPane pane)
    • Method Detail

      • setRoutingAddress

        public void setRoutingAddress​(String address)
        This method sets the routing address. This is actually the URL of the page to which requests will be routed when the user clicks on a column header link.
        address - the address of the service for processing the requests.
      • setSortable

        public void setSortable​(boolean sortable)
        Set the column to be sortable or not. If the array is already unsortable, this method will have no effect.
        sortable - A true value will enable this column to be sorted
      • isSortable

        public boolean isSortable()
      • setTitle

        public void setTitle​(String title)
      • getTitle

        public String getTitle()
      • getColumnNumber

        public int getColumnNumber()
      • setWidth

        public void setWidth​(String width)
      • getWidth

        public String getWidth()
      • isArrayPaneURL

        protected boolean isArrayPaneURL​(String address)