Package org.silverpeas.core.web.util.viewgenerator.html.arraypanes
Interface Summary Interface Description ArrayPane The ArrayPane interface gives us the skeleton for all funtionnalities we need to display typical WA array table pane. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractArrayCellTag Create a new cell in an ArrayPaneAbstractArrayPane ActionableArrayCell An array cell supporting javascript action on events.ArrayCell ArrayCellButton ArrayCellCheckbox ArrayCellCheckboxTag Create a new cell in an ArrayPaneArrayCellIconPane ArrayCellInputText ArrayCellLink ArrayCellRadio ArrayCellSelect ArrayCellText ArrayCellTextTag Create a new cell in an ArrayPaneArrayColumn ArrayColumnTag Create a new column header in an ArrayPaneArrayEmptyCell ArrayLine A row in an HTML arrayArrayLinesTag Iterate over lines.ArrayLineTag Create a new line in an ArrayPane.ArrayPaneSilverpeasV5 The default implementation of ArrayPane interface.ArrayPaneStatusBean ArrayPaneTag Create a new ArrayPane.ArrayPaneWithDataSource The default implementation of ArrayPane interface.