Class ProcessModelImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • ProcessModelImpl

        public ProcessModelImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • getModelId

        public String getModelId()
        Get the id of this process model
        Specified by:
        getModelId in interface ProcessModel
        process model id
      • setModelId

        public void setModelId​(String modelId)
        Set the id of this process model
        Specified by:
        setModelId in interface ProcessModel
        modelId - process model id
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Get the name of this process model
        Specified by:
        getName in interface ProcessModel
        process model's name
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        Set the name of this process model
        Specified by:
        setName in interface ProcessModel
        name - process model's name
      • setPresentation

        public void setPresentation​(Presentation presentation)
        Set the presentation's configuration
        Specified by:
        setPresentation in interface ProcessModel
        presentation - presentation's configuration
      • setParticipants

        public void setParticipants​(Participants participants)
        Set the participants definition
        Specified by:
        setParticipants in interface ProcessModel
        participants - participants definition
      • getRoles

        public Role[] getRoles()
        Get the roles definition
        Specified by:
        getRoles in interface ProcessModel
        roles definition
      • getRole

        public Role getRole​(String name)
        Get the role definition with given name
        Specified by:
        getRole in interface ProcessModel
        name - role name
        wanted role definition
      • setRoles

        public void setRoles​(Roles roles)
        Set the roles definition
        Specified by:
        setRoles in interface ProcessModel
        roles - roles definition
      • getStates

        public State[] getStates()
        Get the states defined for this process model
        Specified by:
        getStates in interface ProcessModel
        states defined for this process model
      • getState

        public State getState​(String name)
        Get the state with the given name
        Specified by:
        getState in interface ProcessModel
        name - state name
        wanted state
      • setStates

        public void setStates​(States states)
        Set the states defined for this process model
        Specified by:
        setStates in interface ProcessModel
        states - states defined for this process model
      • getActions

        public Action[] getActions()
        Get the actions defined for this process model
        Specified by:
        getActions in interface ProcessModel
        actions defined for this process model
      • setActions

        public void setActions​(Actions actions)
        Set the actions defined for this process model
        Specified by:
        setActions in interface ProcessModel
        actions - actions defined for this process model
      • getDataFolder

        public DataFolder getDataFolder()
        Get the data folder defined for this process model
        Specified by:
        getDataFolder in interface ProcessModel
        data folder defined for this process model. it contains all the items declarations
      • setDataFolder

        public void setDataFolder​(DataFolder dataFolder)
        Set the data folder defined for this process model
        Specified by:
        setDataFolder in interface ProcessModel
        dataFolder - data folder defined for this process model. it contains all the items declarations
      • getUserInfos

        public DataFolder getUserInfos()
        Get the user infos defined for this process model It contains all the items necessary about user to allow him to use the instance
        Specified by:
        getUserInfos in interface ProcessModel
        user infos defined for this process model.
      • setUserInfos

        public void setUserInfos​(DataFolder userInfos)
        Set the user infos defined for this process model It contains all the items necessary about user to allow him to use the instance
        Specified by:
        setUserInfos in interface ProcessModel
        userInfos - user infos defined for this process model.
      • getForm

        public Form getForm​(String name)
        Get the form with the given name
        Specified by:
        getForm in interface ProcessModel
        name - form name
        the wanted form
      • getForm

        public Form getForm​(String name,
                            String role)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessModel
        Get the form definition with given name for the given role
        Specified by:
        getForm in interface ProcessModel
        name - action form
        wanted form definition
      • setForms

        public void setForms​(Forms forms)
        Set the forms defined for this process model
        Specified by:
        setForms in interface ProcessModel
        forms - forms defined for this process model.
      • getLabel

        public String getLabel​(String role,
                               String language)
        Get label in specific language for the given role
        Specified by:
        getLabel in interface ProcessModel
        role - role for which the label is
        language - label's language
        wanted label as a String object. If label is not found, search label with given role and default language, if not found again, return the default label in given language, if not found again, return the default label in default language, if not found again, return empty string.
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription​(String role,
                                     String language)
        Get description in specific language for the given role
        Specified by:
        getDescription in interface ProcessModel
        role - role for which the description is
        language - description's language
        wanted description as a String object. If description is not found, search description with given role and default language, if not found again, return the default description in given language, if not found again, return the default description in default language, if not found again, return empty string.
      • getFolderRecordSetName

        public String getFolderRecordSetName()
        Returns the name of the record set where are saved all the folder of the instance built from this model.
        Specified by:
        getFolderRecordSetName in interface ProcessModel
      • getFormRecordSetName

        public String getFormRecordSetName​(String formName)
        Returns the name of the record set where are saved all the data of the named form.
        Specified by:
        getFormRecordSetName in interface ProcessModel
      • getNewActionRecord

        public DataRecord getNewActionRecord​(String actionName,
                                             String roleName,
                                             String lang,
                                             DataRecord data)
                                      throws WorkflowException
        Returns an empty DataRecord which must be filled in order to process the named action. Returns null if no form is required to process this action. Throws a WorkflowException if the action is unknown.
        Specified by:
        getNewActionRecord in interface ProcessModel
        actionName - Name of the action
        roleName - Role of the current user
        lang - Lang of the current user
      • getAllDataTemplate

        public RecordTemplate getAllDataTemplate​(String role,
                                                 String lang)
        Returns the recordTemplate which describes the data record of the process instance built from this model.
        Specified by:
        getAllDataTemplate in interface ProcessModel
        role - Role of the current user
        lang - Lang of the current user
      • getRowTemplate

        public RecordTemplate getRowTemplate​(String role,
                                             String lang)
        Returns the recordTemplate which describes the data record used to show process instance as a row in list.
        Specified by:
        getRowTemplate in interface ProcessModel
        role - Role of the current user
        lang - Lang of the current user
      • getRowTemplate

        public RecordTemplate getRowTemplate​(String role,
                                             String lang,
                                             boolean isProcessIdVisible)
        Returns the recordTemplate which describes the data record used to show process instance as a row in list.
        Specified by:
        getRowTemplate in interface ProcessModel
        role - Role of the current user
        lang - Lang of the current user
        isProcessIdVisible - Case if id is deplayed or not