ActionImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the <action> element of a Process Model.
ActionRef |
Class implementing the representation of the <allow> element of a Process Model.
ActionRefs |
Class implementing the representation of the <allowedActions> element of a Process Model.
ActionsImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the <actions> element of a Process Model.
ColumnImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the <column> element of a Process Model.
ColumnsImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the <columns> element of a Process Model.
ConsequenceImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the <consequence> element of a Process Model.
ConsequencesImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the <consequences> element of a Process Model.
DataFolderImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the <dataFolder> and <userInfos> elements of
a Process Model.
FormImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the <form> element of a Process Model.
FormsImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the <forms> element of a Process Model.
ItemImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the <item> element of a Process Model.
ItemRef |
Class implementing the representation of the <input> element of a Process Model.
ParameterImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the <parameter> element of a Process Model.
ParticipantImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the <participant> element of a Process Model.
ParticipantsImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the <participants> element of a Process Model.
PresentationImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the <presentation> element of a Process Model.
ProcessModelImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the main <processModel> element of a Process
ProcessModelManagerImpl |
A ProcessModelManager implementation
QualifiedUsersImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the <allowedUsers>, <workingUsers>,
<notifiedUsers> and <interestedUsers> elements of a Process Model.
RelatedGroupImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the <relatedUser> element of a Process Model.
RelatedUserImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the <relatedUser> element of a Process Model.
RoleImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the <role> element of a Process Model.
RolesImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the <roles> element of a Process Model.
SpecificLabel |
Class implementing the representation of the following elements of a Process Model:
SpecificLabelListHelper |
Class managing a collection of ContextualDesigantion objects.
StateImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the <state> element of a Process Model.
StateRef |
Class implementing the representation of the <set> and <unset> elements of a Process
StatesImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the <states> element of a Process Model.
TimeOutActionImpl |
Representation of the <timeoutAction> element of a Process Model.
TimeOutActionsImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the <timeoutActions> element of a Process Model.
TriggerImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the <trigger> element of a Process Model.
TriggersImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the <triggers> element of a Process Model.
UserInRoleImpl |
Class implementing the representation of the <userInRole> element of a Process Model.