Class Parameter

  • public class Parameter
    extends Object
    Instance parameter defined for an application component. An instance parameter is a parameter used to configure the behavior of an instance of the application. The description of the parameter indicates how it should be rendered to the administrators, how it can be valued, and, optionally, what are these possible values.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Parameter

        public Parameter()
      • Parameter

        public Parameter​(Parameter param)
        Constructs a new parameter by copying the specified one.
        param - the paramater to copy.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Gets the value of the name property.
        possible object is String
      • setName

        public void setName​(String value)
        Sets the value of the name property.
        value - allowed object is String
      • getLabel

        protected Map<String,​String> getLabel()
        Gets the value of the label property.
        possible object is Multilang
      • putLabel

        public void putLabel​(String language,
                             String label)
        Puts a localized label directly linked to the Parameter instance.
        language - the language the label is localized into.
        label - a localized label.
      • getOrder

        public int getOrder()
        Gets the value of the order property.
      • setOrder

        public void setOrder​(int value)
        Sets the value of the order property.
      • isMandatory

        public boolean isMandatory()
        Gets the value of the mandatory property.
      • setMandatory

        public void setMandatory​(boolean value)
        Sets the value of the mandatory property.
      • getValue

        public String getValue()
        Gets the value of the value property.
        possible object is String
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(String value)
        Sets the value of the value property.
        value - allowed object is String
      • getOptions

        public List<Option> getOptions()
        Gets the possible options of this parameter.

        This accessor method returns a reference to the live list, not a snapshot. Therefore, any modification you make to the returned list will be present inside the JAXB object. This is why there is not a set method for the options.

        For example, to add a new item, do as follows:


      • setOptions

        public void setOptions​(List<Option> options)
      • getType

        public String getType()
        Gets the value of the type property.
        possible object is String
      • setType

        public void setType​(String value)
        Sets the value of the type property.
        value - allowed object is String
      • getSize

        public Integer getSize()
        Gets the value of the size property.
        possible object is Integer
      • setSize

        public void setSize​(Integer value)
        Sets the value of the size property.
        value - allowed object is Integer
      • getUpdatable

        public String getUpdatable()
        Gets the value of the updatable property.
        possible object is String
      • setUpdatable

        public void setUpdatable​(String value)
        Sets the value of the updatable property.
        value - allowed object is String
      • getHelp

        protected Map<String,​String> getHelp()
        Gets the value of the help property.
        possible object is Multilang
      • putHelp

        public void putHelp​(String language,
                            String help)
        Puts a localized help directly linked to the Parameter instance.
        language - the language the help is localized into.
        help - a localized help.
      • getWarning

        public Optional<Warning> getWarning()
        Gets the warning data.
        Warning if any, null otherwise.
      • setWarning

        public void setWarning​(Warning warning)
        Sets the value of the warning property.
        warning - allowed object is Warning
      • getPersonalSpaceValue

        public String getPersonalSpaceValue()
        Gets the value of the personalSpaceValue property.
        possible object is String
      • setPersonalSpaceValue

        public void setPersonalSpaceValue​(String value)
        Sets the value of the personalSpaceValue property.
        value - allowed object is String
      • isVisible

        public boolean isVisible()
      • isHidden

        public boolean isHidden()
      • isUpdatableOnCreationOnly

        public boolean isUpdatableOnCreationOnly()
      • isAlwaysUpdatable

        public boolean isAlwaysUpdatable()
      • isNeverUpdatable

        public boolean isNeverUpdatable()
      • isText

        public boolean isText()
      • isCheckbox

        public boolean isCheckbox()
      • isRadio

        public boolean isRadio()
      • isSelect

        public boolean isSelect()
      • isXmlTemplate

        public boolean isXmlTemplate()