Class PersonalComponent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PersonalComponent
    extends AbstractSilverpeasComponent

    UserComponent stands for Web Application Component associated to users and it represents an application that is available in Silverpeas personal space.

    The Web Application user components available in Silverpeas are loaded by the org.silverpeas.core.admin.component.PersonalComponentRegistry registry. They can be the accessed either by the registry itself or by the PersonalComponent class (it delegates the access to the registry).

    • Constructor Detail

      • PersonalComponent

        public PersonalComponent()
    • Method Detail

      • getByName

        public static Optional<PersonalComponent> getByName​(String componentName)
        Gets the PersonalComponent instance with the specified name.
        componentName - the unique name of the PersonalComponent to return.
        optionally a PersonalComponent instance with the given name.
      • getByInstanceId

        public static Optional<PersonalComponent> getByInstanceId​(String componentInstanceId)
        Gets the PersonalComponent object representing the component to which the specified instance is related.
        componentInstanceId - the unique identifier of a personal component instance.
        optionally a PersonalComponent object related to the personal component instance.
      • getAll

        public static Collection<PersonalComponent> getAll()
        Gets all the available PersonalComponent instances.
        a collection of PersonalComponent instance.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Description copied from interface: SilverpeasComponent
        Gets the type of the component.
        the application name.
      • setName

        public void setName​(String value)
        Sets the value of the name property.
        value - allowed object is String
      • setLabel

        public void setLabel​(Map<String,​String> value)
        Sets the value of the label property.
        value - allowed object is Multilang
      • isVisible

        public boolean isVisible()
        Description copied from interface: SilverpeasComponent
        Gets the value of the visible property.
      • isPersonal

        public boolean isPersonal()
        Description copied from interface: SilverpeasComponent
        Indicates if the component instance is a personal one.
        A personal component instance is linked to a user.
        true if it is a personal one, false otherwise.
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(Map<String,​String> value)
        Sets the value of the description property.
        value - allowed object is Multilang
      • setVisible

        public void setVisible​(boolean value)
        Sets the value of the visible property.
      • setParameters

        public void setParameters​(List<Parameter> parameters)
        Sets explicitly the instance parameters to this personal component.
        parameters - list of Parameter
      • hasParameterDefined

        public boolean hasParameterDefined​(String parameterName)
        Description copied from interface: SilverpeasComponent
        Indicates if a parameter is defined which name is equal to the given method parameter.
        parameterName - the parameter name to perform.
        true if a parameter is defined behind the specified method parameter, false otherwise.
      • getGroupsOfParameters

        public List<GroupOfParameters> getGroupsOfParameters()
        Description copied from interface: SilverpeasComponent
        Gets groups of parameters.
        the list of groups of parameters.