Class PersonalComponentInstance

    • Method Detail

      • getComponentName

        public static String getComponentName​(String componentInstanceId)
        Gets the name of the personal component from which the specified instance was spawn. By convention, the identifiers of the component instances are made up of the name of the component followed by a number (the user identifier) plus additional stuff. This method is a way to get directly the component name from an instance identifier.
        componentInstanceId - the unique identifier of a component instance.
        the name of the personal component or null if the specified identifier doesn't match the rule of a personal component instance identifier.
      • getId

        public String getId()
        Description copied from interface: Identifiable
        Gets the unique identifier of the object in Silverpeas. If he's also identified by a local identifier, then this method should return the one global to Silverpeas.
        Specified by:
        getId in interface Identifiable
        the identifier encoded as a String. If the identifier is a complex one, that is made up of several identification parts, then the returned representation should take care of such a structure.